DHC Business Solutions is working with its partners on an innovative solution for medical product manufacturers: A new service platform to...
DHC Business Solutions
Professionally experienced
Rethinking Validation – Validation Platform for Life Sciences
Computer system validation is one of the standard tasks in the life science industry for maintaining the required compliance (on the part...
REGTech Insights: Going off the beaten path – research project tests blockchain technology for audit trails
Legal requirements and regulatory mandates require companies to maintain detailed, secure, computer-generated records. A research project...
REGTech Insights: Regulation or strangulation – MedTechs in a tight spot due to medical device regulation?
Medical technology is one of the growth and showcase industries of the German economy. But there are signs that it may not stay that way:...
REGTech Insights: Innovative information processes in digital quality and compliance management
DHC Business Solutions GmbH & Co. KG announces the successful completion of the research project "digiCOMP". An innovative solution...
REGTech Insights: “Warning letters” show deficiencies in standard Q processes
It is astonishing: The dreaded "Warning Letters" (so-called 483s) from the FDA do not only flutter into our homes when there is a...
REGTech Insights: DHC Business Solutions sees great growth potential in the RegTech segment
Behind the key word RegTech hides an enormous potential of innovative solutions for the digitalization of the regulatory sector, and not...
Synergy and efficiency gains in quality management at Corden BioChem with DHC VISION
Corden BioChem GmbH, located in Höchst near Frankfurt, is one of the world's largest industrial production partners for biotechnologically...
ISMS software secures the energy supply
Kommunale Eisenberger Energiepartner GmbH, or KEEP for short, is an association of the electricity supply companies of the Eisenberg...
Digitization in Quality Management: Medtech startup AkknaTek ventures into the next stage
Saarbrücken-based medical technology startup AkknaTek GmbH is entering the next phase of its corporate development with a digital quality...
Research from the innoLAB: DHC Business Solutions opens innovation hotbed
DHC Business Solutions GmbH & Co. KG is setting new tones in its innovation strategy. innoLAB is an incubator for new technology and...
Digital Change in SOP Management at AIR LIQUIDE Medical
AIR LIQUIDE Medical GmbH (ALM) offers a comprehensive product portfolio of medical and technical gases, equipment and services. With the...