Next Generation SOP Management: DHC Business Solutions and NEOCOSMO GmbH announce cooperation

3. June 2016

The Saarbrücken-based specialists for quality and compliance management software and the experts for innovative learning technologies combine their expertise. Until now, simple reading confirmations were sufficient to prove that employees in the company were familiar with the relevant regulations for development and production – the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). But in the medium term, companies will have to fulfill their regulatory proof obligations in a much more differentiated manner. With interactive online tests as part of the training and certification processes, the DHC VISION software offers a future-proof solution for this. DHC Business Solutions is now developing these together with its partner, NEOCOSMO GmbH.

With Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), companies ensure “good working practices” (GxP) in development and production. It is becoming increasingly important to provide exact proof that employees know and apply the relevant regulations. Until now, this proof was usually provided by simple read receipts: SOPs are sent as text documents to employees; they acknowledge that they have read the documents. Whether and how the content was actually understood was irrelevant for the electronic proof.

We see an increasing interest in detailed information about the success of training in the company”, emphasizes Dr. Wolfgang Kraemer, Managing Director of DHC. “It is not just auditors who expect this; companies themselves have a real interest in valid data on the effectiveness of their SOP training”. In the future, the integrated management system software DHC VISION will provide this data via interactive online tests that consist of different types of questions and tasks and can also be enriched with multimedia elements such as video clips.

Our solutions for online tests and assessments are a very good technical and professional fit for DHC VISION” highlights Dr. Volker Zimmermann from NEOCOSMO. “We thus achieve deep integration of the training processes with the processes for ensuring regulatory compliance”. It is not just a matter of providing the relevant evidence; what is important for companies is the ability to use a meaningful database from the online tests to determine the need for additional qualification and thus to engage in forward-looking quality and compliance management.

The new DHC VISION SOP Test Engine is developed as a plug-in to the DHC VISION management system. It includes differentiated test and evaluation options and is closely interlinked with the compliance worfklows in DHC VISION. The current collaboration between the two Saarbrücken-based companies is the result of a long-standing partnership in the development of innovative technologies.


NEOCOSMO was founded in July 2014 by Frank Milius and Dr. Volker Zimmermann. Under the motto “Rethinking Communication and Learning”, NEOCOSMO focuses on new ways of digital communication and linking them with methods of technology-supported knowledge transfer, learning and collaboration. To this end, platforms are set up for companies and universities, and associated consulting services are provided. The focus is always on the principles of simplicity, openness and a modern user experience.

For more information about NEOCOSMO please visit